Home > How To Get Longer Fingers To Play The Piano

How To Get Longer Fingers To Play The Piano

If you’ve ever dreamed of having longer fingers to play the piano like a virtuoso then you’ve come to the right place. Let’s face it having longer fingers would make it so much easier to reach those hard-to-reach keys. But don’t despair if you don’t have the longest digits in the world – there are still plenty of ways to make the most of what you’ve got.

Warm Up Exercises

Before you start playing the piano it’s important to warm up your fingers. This will help to loosen up your muscles and give you better control of your digits. A few simple exercises can help you limber up and get ready for your next performance.

Exercise Instructions
Finger Circles Gently rotate each finger in circles clockwise and counter-clockwise.
Finger Stretches Gently stretch each finger out and back one at a time.
Finger Taps Tap each finger against the palm of your hand alternating hands.

How to get longer fingers to play the piano

Related article: Best Piano Composers.

Scales and Chords- A Look at Long-Limpish Limbs

Having long and limber fingers is a must if you’re serious about playing the piano excellente-ly (Aw ya!). The best way to achieve this length is to practice! Whether you’re working on scales or learning new chords every day practice will help to lengthen those digits helping to make your playing that much smoother and confident.

Some scales and chords can be especially difficult to maneuver. Having the necessary length of limbs can make the difference between clumsy fumbling and cool composure when executing the more complex notes. Let’s take a look at some of the awkward fingerings that can prove tricky for the nascent (fancy word for ‘beginner’) pianist.

When playing the C Major scale starting on the right hand’s thumb and ending on the left hand’s middle finger can be tough. If you’re in the early phases of learning and your hands feel cramped don’t be discouraged! Consistent practice can help to loosen and stretch those digits making what was once difficult seem easy as pie.

The same goes for chords. Chord progressions can be difficult to manage but with a few extra millimeters and a daily practice you can move into the world of more advanced chords with ease. A C Major seventh can bring a beginner to their knees but you can rise to the challenge with a little bit of length on your side.

To increase your finger length for piano simply practice scales and chords each and every day. With persistence and patience your digits will stretch and grow your sound will expand and improve and who knows? You may even attract the attention of a adoring fans. That’s the power of long fingers!


There’s no better way to reach those elusive piano keys than to give your digits a good stretch. Luckily exercises to increase the length of your digits are easy to perform right in the comfort of your own home. You’ll need to make sure you have ample open space to practice some of these moves and prevent any unintended destruction.

Before beginning the stretching regimen focus on some mindfulness techniques to help you to relax the muscles in your hands and arms. This will help your limbs to be more receptive to any tensions or activities you put them through.

Once you’ve found a comfortable spot let’s delve into some stretches designed to make your fingers limber as a lemur’s!

The first stretch is called the Tip-Toucher. This involves stretching the tips of your fingers one at a time using the same hand. Start by curling your fingers into the palm of your hand in a gentle manner. Next use your thumb to press on the tip of the curled fingers and hold for 10 seconds. Uncurling your fingers will help to increase the range of motion in your digits. Repeat this process for each of your fingers.

The Bent-Finger is another excellent way to achieve a greater range of motion. This exercise involves bending each finger one at a time and holding that position for 10 seconds. Start by curling your fingers into the palm of your hand. Use the other hand to pull the tips of each finger so that they bend outward. Don’t overapply force – you want to achieve a gentle but firm pull. Hold the bent position for 10 seconds and then gently release.

Finally the Finger-Flare is an excellent stretch to quickly increase the length of your digits. This involves straightening out your fingers and flaring them out. Start with one hand and hold it straight out. Spread each finger apart and hold for 10 seconds. Make sure to flare the fingers evenly and don’t overapply force.

Now that you know how to get those limber lanky digits and reach those high piano notes all that’s left to do is to put in the hard work and dedication – and of course remember to practice and stay patient. With a few stretches a day you’ll be giving Lang Lang a run for his money on the keys – in no time!

Practice Strategies

So you’re looking to elongate your digits and really show off at the keyboard. It’s a tricky task but it’s also an achievable one! The key is to focus on purposeful practice but with a few quirky strategies that’ll give you that extra edge.

Start by taking note of which keys your fingers have the most difficulty stretching to. Whether it’s those octaves or those pesky trills highlight the keys and chords you can’t quite make. Then break it down into manageable chunks that you can practice each session making sure to push – but not too hard – yourself.

Next look at which scales are giving you trouble. Is it a fast-moving scale in a minor key? A sharp-turning scale in a major one? Whatever it is break it down into fours or whatever works best for you and practice these ‘mini-scales’ separately.

Unless you’re a physical therapist you’re likely not going to get stretchier digits overnight. So it’s essential to remain patient with yourself take regular breaks and keep your fingers moving during them.

Sometimes it helps to practice at different speeds. Slowing things down can help determine which notes are causing the most difficulty. Additionally increasing the tempo a little each time you play it can gradually improve your speed accuracy and dexterity!

Finally have fun! Although practice makes perfect and all that you don’t have to think about the technicalities of what you’re playing all the time. Remember why you play: Share the joy and let your emotions take over!


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